For thousands of years, people have used various substances found in nature to relieve symptoms and even cure diseases. Drugs are medicinal products obtained from natural sources such as plants, animals, and microorganisms or synthesized in the laboratory by taking these natural substances as examples. Even in some modern medical practices, drugs derived from natural components are still used. Many natural products, predominantly plants, contain chemical compounds with important pharmacological effects, and these compounds form the basis of active ingredients used in modern medicines. However, these natural compounds, which can be easily supplied from the market, may have some side effects. In addition, since there are several interactions with other drugs used, their use without medical supervision is dangerous. Because, for a substance obtained from natural sources to be used as a medical drug, it must go a long way, be supported by scientific research and clinical trials, and be controlled both during the production phase and after it is licensed as a medicine. In this review, the historical and technological story of drugs reaching the pharmacy from nature, their sources in nature, their stages of becoming licensed drugs, and the drawbacks of uncontrolled use of natural products are discussed in the light of current literature.